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랜카드 disable...

by 까바라 2009. 6. 23.

드라이버 단 까지 안가고 랜카드를 disable 하는 방법이 있더라......
윈도우 상에는 disable 로 표시 되지 않으나..
disable 되는거 맞는거 같다....
재부팅 하니까 다시 올라오는걸로 확인 했고......

내가 사용한건.....
도메인에 join하려고 ip,dns 바꾸는데....
그때 다른 NIC는 disable 하는데 사용했지........

interface index 얻어서 사용하면 되네....

DWORD ZMainWnd::DealFixedConnection(DWORD dwIndex, bool bEnable)
 DWORD dwSize = 0;
 DWORD dwRetVal = 0;

 // Allocate memory for our pointers.
 ifTable = (MIB_IFTABLE*) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IFTABLE));
 pMibIfRow = (MIB_IFROW*) malloc(sizeof(MIB_IFROW));

 // Before calling GetIfEntry, we call GetIfTable to make
 // sure there are entries to get.

 // Make an initial call to GetIfTable to get the
 // necessary size into dwSize
 if (GetIfTable(ifTable, &dwSize, 0) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
  ifTable = (MIB_IFTABLE *) malloc (dwSize);
 // Make a second call to GetIfTable to get the actual
 // data we want.
 if (NO_ERROR == (dwRetVal = GetIfTable(ifTable, &dwSize, 0)))
  if (ifTable->dwNumEntries > 0)
   pMibIfRow->dwIndex = dwIndex;
   if (NO_ERROR == (dwRetVal = GetIfEntry(pMibIfRow)))
    //printf("Description: %s\n", pMibIfRow->bDescr);
    if (bEnable)
     pMibIfRow->dwAdminStatus = MIB_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP;
     pMibIfRow->dwAdminStatus = MIB_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN;

    // finally, set new state of the interface
    if (NO_ERROR == (dwRetVal = SetIfEntry(pMibIfRow)))
     //printf("Error in SetIfEntry: %d\n", dwRetVal);
    //printf("Error in GetIfEntry: %d\n", dwRetVal);

   return dwRetVal;
  //printf("Error in GetIfTable:%d\n", dwRetVal);

 return dwRetVal;

